Monday, September 23, 2013

Fall is on it's way!

Ok, I say "on it's way" because even though yesterday was the first day of Fall (in the Northern Hemisphere),Texas weather........ is well, Texas weather. Here is a summery,

and there you have it. So there is about 3 seconds(if at all) of Fall. BUT the last 2 days....have been *gasp* nice!!! You know, like between January and Summer on the scale above! Like all the dogs, cats, chickens, horses, cows, giant grasshoppers, etc...can quit panting 24/7! You can step outside without breaking out in sweat and having a heatstroke! I remember what a breeze feels like! This is porch-sitting weather! Bike-riding weather! Inhale-through-your-mouth-without-fearing-your-tounge-will-dry-out kind of weather! But of course it will probably go back to being Summerer by the end of this week, but hey, it was great while it lasted.

So to my fellow Northern Hemispherers, Happy Fall ya'll!

Angelina XD

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