Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Every cloud has a sliver(ehh white) lining!

This is a really cool picture I got of the sun behind the clouds! Unedited (except for the watermark). I love how the cloud actually has a silver/white lining! Super neat!

Monday, July 7, 2014

Chickens in Motion

I went to try and snap a picture of two of our chickens. And as usual they wouldn't stay still and pose for me. Even though I do have one chicken who poses. Actually she just gets so scared and forgets to runaway(she's not the smartest), and stands still while you snap away. But these two weren't gonna pose for me. So I decided to take some blurry, motion pictures. Between the chickens running and me chasing after them, that wasn't hard to accomplish. Here are two of the pictures. The second is my favorite!


Tuesday, July 1, 2014


It's very hot here, as usual, and I have been missing the ocean. I looove going to the ocean. It fascinates me. I think it'd be great to live near one someday. Maybe then I could learn to surf!!
A friend of mine wrote a poem about the ocean and doesn't mind me sharing it, so share it I will.
I'll  probably be sharing more of her poetry as I am obsessed with it! So here goes the first one...

What I like about the ocean.

The way the waves quickly kiss your toes before being dragged back out, as you stand on the shoreline.
The smell of salty air that you can never completely forget, but will always be reminded anew every time you smell it. 
How quickly you can forget how salty the water is after 
getting a mouthful.
The waves reminding you again how salty the water is.
The breeze that makes you want to lean into it and let it catch you.
How walking along the shoreline can clear your mind almost instantly if you let it.
Spotting shells in hues you didn't know existed.
Seeing almost no distinction between water and sky at the fine line where they meet.
Sunsets over a liquid horizon.
Not being able to think of a word to describe it.
- Stella Nash