Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Google Autofill + Commentary

Hey everyone, here is another Google Autofill post, with commentary by yours truly!

Here is the what I googled, Google is... 
And here are some of the things google suggested for me...

1. Google is evil.  Umm ok.
2. Google is God.  Actually its not...besides, God is WAY smarter than Google could ever be!
3. Google is worth how much?  I'll just say lots, of money that is. I could give you the actual price, but I'd have to google it to find out, and I'm really not all that interested.
4. Google is better than Bing. Well, I do prefer Google over Bing, but I can't say Google is better just because I prefer it. But maybe I should do a Bing autofill.....hmmmm.

Angelina XD

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