2014 went by fast for me. I'm like wuutttt? 2015?? What is this 2015 you people speak of? I'm not ready to start writing 2015 instead of 2014. This last year was a very good year for me, I'm kinda sad to see it go actually. If I was given the chance to choose between moving on to 2015 or living through 2014 over again, I'd probably choose the latter. I'm not sure if that's good or not. It's not that I want to live it over again to do things differently. There are a few things I would change, but not many. I mostly just want to experience things again for the first time. I don't know, it was just such a great year, so many fun times. Not that there weren't any bad times, just that they were definitely outweighed by the good ones. I'll never forget the events of 2014.
Even though I'll miss you 2014, here's to making 2015 even better!!! Happy New Year everyone!!!
Angelina XD
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Festive Kitty!
I was untangling lights to hang outside when my cat made the mistake of
walking within arms reach of me......here he is in the aftermath
refusing to look at the camera.
Angelina XD
Angelina XD
Monday, December 8, 2014
Even if something is left undone, everyone must sit still and take time to watch the leaves turn. -Unknown
Thursday, November 27, 2014
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Enjoy // 21 Words
“It's been my experience that you can nearly always enjoy things if you make up your mind firmly that you will.”
― L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables
― L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables
Monday, October 27, 2014
Wind Whispers // 21 Words
In Autumn the wind whispers to the trees and rustles the branches with its breath, warning the trees "winter is coming."
Saturday, October 25, 2014
Words. Or illustration. Or notes.
Sometimes, I need to write my thoughts down. Or draw. Or play them out. All in an attempt to understand what I was thinking. I need to read my mind. Or look at it. Or listen to it. Otherwise somethings don't make sense at all, even though I'm the one who thought them! But the thing is, when I try to write. Or draw. Or play my thoughts, I feel like I should...I don't know, change them? Clear them up a little, maybe? Somehow rewrite. Or redraw. Or replay them to make them easier to understand. Not for me but for someone else who might read. Or see. Or listen to them. To me, my thoughts seem like they might confuse other people. Maybe they are supposed to. Maybe that's what makes them mine. Maybe I shouldn't worry about how others will or will not understand my thoughts. What if I expressed myself, without changing anything to make it understandable. Maybe then, my direct thoughts can be read. Or seen. Or heard. By others and understood personally, uniquely. Maybe the unique thoughts of each person intertwine somewhere. Somewhere where we all understand pieces of each other. Or not. I don't know. This might not make sense to you at all.
Sunday, October 12, 2014
Flower Pressing
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Sunday, October 5, 2014
Sunday, September 21, 2014
1 year blogoversary!
One year ago this week I started this blog.
It is named after a line from my favorite poem.
Over the past year this blog has had a few(many) cases of neglect.
But I am going to try my best to post more often this 2nd year.
Also I want to maybe start adding a few different kinds of posts.
And so...introducing "21 words".
Posts composed of 21 words about something I read, saw, heard, felt, etc.
Here are my first 21 words...
From the bank and from the river
He flashed into the crystal mirror,
"Tirra lirra," by the river
Sang Sir Lancelot.
- The Lady of Shalott
Angelina XD
It is named after a line from my favorite poem.
Over the past year this blog has had a few(many) cases of neglect.
But I am going to try my best to post more often this 2nd year.
Also I want to maybe start adding a few different kinds of posts.
And so...introducing "21 words".
Posts composed of 21 words about something I read, saw, heard, felt, etc.
Here are my first 21 words...
From the bank and from the river
He flashed into the crystal mirror,
"Tirra lirra," by the river
Sang Sir Lancelot.
- The Lady of Shalott
Angelina XD
Friday, September 19, 2014
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Friday, August 22, 2014
Well I'm back in blogland! Y'all are probably bored of all the Pathfinder posts, so I'll just say that I had an AMAZING time at FFIC. I LOVED it! Okay done, I won't bore you anymore. :P
Monday, August 11, 2014
Saturday, August 9, 2014
Monday, August 4, 2014
Forever Faithful International Camporee!
Ecstatic. That is what I am. Totally Ecstatic. Beyond Ecstatic. After waiting for 5 years, the wait is almost over! Living in a giant tent city for a week with 40,000 other kids and teens from all over the world! Worshiping together! Having to walk a mile to take a shower! Waking up early to get breakfast started! Hundreds of activities! Hayyyystacks! Drill competitions! Meeting people from other countries! Waiting in line for a million years at the faucets with water jugs and then lugging them back to your campsite! And far be it from me to not mention...PIN TRADING!!!!!
I know a few of you have no idea what I'm talking about. Click here it get an idea: http://www.cye.org/camporee/about
I cannot wait for FFIC 2014!! I am sooooo very excited and I know that about 40,000 other people are too!! And so, to help vent my excitement(because I am about to burst) starting today, I will post a camporee/pathfinder/ffic related meme or picture each day until Forever Faithful Camporee 2014! So keep checking back!
I know a few of you have no idea what I'm talking about. Click here it get an idea: http://www.cye.org/camporee/about
I cannot wait for FFIC 2014!! I am sooooo very excited and I know that about 40,000 other people are too!! And so, to help vent my excitement(because I am about to burst) starting today, I will post a camporee/pathfinder/ffic related meme or picture each day until Forever Faithful Camporee 2014! So keep checking back!
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Every cloud has a sliver(ehh white) lining!
This is a really cool picture I got of the sun behind the clouds! Unedited (except for the watermark). I love how the cloud actually has a silver/white lining! Super neat!
Monday, July 7, 2014
Chickens in Motion
I went to try and snap a picture of two of our chickens. And as usual they wouldn't stay still and pose for me. Even though I do have one chicken who poses. Actually she just gets so scared and forgets to runaway(she's not the smartest), and stands still while you snap away. But these two weren't gonna pose for me. So I decided to take some blurry, motion pictures. Between the chickens running and me chasing after them, that wasn't hard to accomplish. Here are two of the pictures. The second is my favorite!
Friday, July 4, 2014
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
It's very hot here, as usual, and I have been missing the ocean. I
looove going to the ocean. It fascinates me. I think it'd be great to
live near one someday. Maybe then I could learn to surf!!
A friend of mine wrote a poem about the ocean and doesn't mind me sharing it, so share it I will.
I'll probably be sharing more of her poetry as I am obsessed with it! So here goes the first one...
What I like about the ocean.
The way the waves quickly kiss your toes before being dragged back out, as you stand on the shoreline.
The smell of salty air that you can never completely forget, but will always be reminded anew every time you smell it.
How quickly you can forget how salty the water is after
getting a mouthful.
The waves reminding you again how salty the water is.
The breeze that makes you want to lean into it and let it catch you.
How walking along the shoreline can clear your mind almost instantly if you let it.
Spotting shells in hues you didn't know existed.
Seeing almost no distinction between water and sky at the fine line where they meet.
Sunsets over a liquid horizon.
Not being able to think of a word to describe it.
- Stella Nash
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Something my mom taught me.
Anger and happiness.
Something my mom has taught me that I'll never forget about is anger and happiness. You shouldn't get angry at all, but it happens nevertheless. She taught me learning to control yourself will help fight the angriness. Then and only then, can you substitute happiness.
Here are the main things about anger and happiness my mom has taught me, summed up in my own words and numbered (because she also taught me to express myself, but in an orderly manner).
1. Being angry all the time can turn you into a ridiculous person. Into a person who wastes all their time being angry and forgets how to be happy. And maybe doesn't even want to be happy anymore.
2. Being angry is time consuming. Life consuming in fact, so being angry all the time will, you know, consume your life! And that's obviously not a good thing.
3. Being angry takes a lot of effort. It's actually not that easy. First you have to get angry, then you have to make yourself stay angry, then you have you have to constantly remind yourself why you are angry in the first place! Being angry all the live long day can be tiring. And after all that effort you get nothing. Very illogical.
4. Dragging something out solely for the sake of wanting the right to be angry about it is just sad. Bury the chestnut for once and all.
5. Anger is limited. It can only go so far before it must ask you wether or not it can go any further.
6. You are the one who decides to give anger the key to your heart. No one else can. So don't blame other people for making you angry.
7. Don't forget to be happy. Forgetting to be happy is worse than being angry. Maybe you can float around between the two all of your life, but then what will you have lived for?
8. Learn to be happy. As hard as it is to be angry, being happy is even harder. But every time you pass a lesson in happiness it gets easier. So stay in happy school.
9. You can't be happy by yourself. You need to associate with people who are also in happy school.
10. Don't do anything that will make you angry in the end. Like being negative, engaging in an argument, instigating. Stop causing problems for yourself.
11. You can't have real happiness without Jesus. Not even a bit. He is the teacher in the school of happiness.
And that's what I've learned from my mom so far about anger and happiness. Some of these things I remember her telling me, but others I don't remember. I wonder if she was trying to teach me those on purpose or I just learned them from watching her. Either way they are in my head forever. And I'm grateful for that. Thanks mom!
PS. this is another reason I am glad to be homeschooled by my mom. I might've not learned all that if she were at work and I were at school all day.
Saturday, June 14, 2014
Food Art!
I can't take it....I just....can't. You have to see for yourself. Just click the link, you must. I'm urging you to click. Click it, click it, click it!
Tuesday, June 3, 2014
Prompt post: What do people think you are, compared to who you know you are.
So a friend of mine, Katie, did a post using a writing prompt from a book she owns. You can check out her post by clicking HERE.
PS. prompts are kinda fun......maaaybe I'll do more prompt posts....hmmm.
So, I decided to do my own post using the same prompt. Let's see if I can stay on topic. Here it is:
What do people think you are, compared to who you know you are.
actually not completely sure who people think I am...though I doubt
they have the right idea. I show only about half of who I am to other
people. Unless they are people I am comfortable with. So anything most
people think of me is only the tip of the iceberg. I've been told by
some people that I'm always quiet. Which is true and not true, because
sometimes I am very quiet and other times I talk so much that I get on
people's nerves. But one thing about me is that I think waaay more than I
speak. I don't always think before I speak(which is bad, I know), but
usually a lot more thinking goes on in my head than talking. So of I'm
quiet it means I'm thinking, quietly observing.
I think people
think I'm a very happy person, and I am, just not 100% of the time. I
can get upset over small things and depressed over the littlest issues.
I'm actually very emotional, I just don't wear my heart on my sleeve. At
all. Not in the least bit. I haven't decided if that's a good thing or
not. If/when I do show emotion it's usually because I'm consciously
doing so.
Also I'm almost absolutely sure that every person
who knows me has thought me weird at one time or another. And I am
perfectly okay with that, in fact I encourage it. I am weird. I don't
ever want to seem normal. Decent and respectable, yes of course. But
normal? You mean like everyone else? Whaaattt?!?!? Nope. That's too much
to ask for, sorry. And above all else, I hope people think of me as a Godly person.
PS. prompts are kinda fun......maaaybe I'll do more prompt posts....hmmm.
Sunday, May 25, 2014
10 things that rhyme with "me" and "you".
Okay, so I'm bored and have nothing better to do. So with out further ado, 10 things that rhyme(closely enough...or not, I don't know) with "me" and "you"!
1. 3+2
2. tree that flew.
3. knee hurts too!
4. bee ate shoe.
5. fee for Sue.
6. she and kangaroo.
7. see a gnu!
8. we are who?
9. sea is blue
10. pea in sou.......p
Sooo......that was random.
Cheerio XD
1. 3+2
2. tree that flew.
3. knee hurts too!
4. bee ate shoe.
5. fee for Sue.
6. she and kangaroo.
7. see a gnu!
8. we are who?
9. sea is blue
10. pea in sou.......p
Sooo......that was random.
Cheerio XD
Friday, May 23, 2014
I'd rather be a could-be...
I'd rather be a could-be if I cannot be an are; because a could-be is a maybe who is reaching for a star. I'd rather be a has-been than a might-have-been, by far; for a might have-been has never been, but a has-been was once an are.~Milton Berle
Saturday, May 10, 2014
Worth it all
I let go of all I have just to have all of You / and no matter what the cost I will follow You / Jesus everything I've lost I have found in You / when I finally reach the end I'll say / You are worth in all.
When I'm there in Your glorious presence / every knee is bowed before You / hear the sound of heaven singing You are worth it all / all the saints cry holy holy / angels singing worthy worthy / forever I will shout Your praises / You are worth it all.
Chorus and bridge of Worth It All by Meredith Andrews
When I'm there in Your glorious presence / every knee is bowed before You / hear the sound of heaven singing You are worth it all / all the saints cry holy holy / angels singing worthy worthy / forever I will shout Your praises / You are worth it all.
Chorus and bridge of Worth It All by Meredith Andrews
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Happy Jelly Bean/Earth Day!!
Yes! It's true! Today is Earth Day AND National Jelly Bean Day! Cool huh! I love jelly beans...and the Earth! So this is a pretty cool day for me! Anyway, thanks to Google I have found the perfect thing to do for Earth/Jelly Bean Day. Plant a jelly bean tree!!!!!

...now if only I could find a real one. BUT it turns out that there is a REAL jelly bean plant!

Okay....so those don't look anything like a jelly beans to me, but that's what it's called. So there you go....you are welcome.
XD Angelina
...now if only I could find a real one. BUT it turns out that there is a REAL jelly bean plant!
Okay....so those don't look anything like a jelly beans to me, but that's what it's called. So there you go....you are welcome.
XD Angelina
Thursday, April 10, 2014
My day in 7 animal gifs and 2 pics
First I was like...
Then I was like...
Then I was like...
Then this happened(not exactly, but close enough)...
And then....
Then I was like....
Then I was all like...
And then I was like...
Last I was like...
Cheerio XD
Then I was like...
Then I was like...
Then this happened(not exactly, but close enough)...
And then....
Then I was like....
Then I was all like...
And then I was like...
Last I was like...
Cheerio XD
Thursday, April 3, 2014
Saturday, March 22, 2014
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Then sings my soul...
When through the woods and forest glades I wander
And hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees,
When I look down from lofty mountain grandeur,
And hear the brook and feel the gentle breeze:
Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to thee:
How great thou art! How great thou art!
Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to thee:
How great thou art! How great thou art!
Excerpts from the hymn: How Great Thou Art
Angelina XD
And hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees,
When I look down from lofty mountain grandeur,
And hear the brook and feel the gentle breeze:
Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to thee:
How great thou art! How great thou art!
Then sings my soul, my Savior God, to thee:
How great thou art! How great thou art!
Excerpts from the hymn: How Great Thou Art
Angelina XD
Friday, March 7, 2014
Winter is dead.
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Ice Sculpting!
We recently had an ice storm where I live. I'm usually not thrilled with
winter weather like this, which is why I'm glad I live in Texas
-because we don't normally have super cold winters. But I definitely
don't mind a little snow every now and then! To enjoy the weather, I
decided to make an ice sculpture. I had no idea what I was gonna make
when I started, but when I was done it slightly resembled Chimney Rock! So of course I acted like that is what I had set out to sculpt.
Here's what the real thing -which by the way is in Nebraska- looks like...Photo source: Wikipedia.com |
Angelina XD
Monday, February 24, 2014
Friday, February 21, 2014
Go Outside
The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere where they can be quiet, alone with the heavens, nature and God. Because only then does one feel that all is as it should be and that God wishes to see people happy, amidst the simple beauty of nature.
Anne Frank
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Rant #1 - Trashcans are everywhere.
So I was out walking a while ago down these little country back roads. They are the best walking roads ever! I rarely encounter cars going by. On the road I live on, 3 cars in a row is traffic, 5 cars is outrageous, and 10 cars within the same hour? Unheard of! (I'm not exaggerating) So it was a very peaceful walk, even with my dog having to stop and sniff things every 5 seconds. Eventually I just unhooked the leash and let her smell away and catch up later. There, of course, was no danger of any cars hitting her, and she doesn't run away. So anyway, my peace was also disturbed by.......the litter. *sigh* Must you people throw your trash out the window?? Haven't you ever heard the saying, or seen the bumper sticker, Don't Mess With Texas? It means, don't litter. But I'm not just talking to Texans...I'm talking to everyone. I'm an environmentalist in my own mind, and I'm constantly pointing environment problems to my friends and family, and reminding them of their impact on the environment(and probably getting on their nerves). So please people, put your trash in a trashcan. They aren't hard to find, there are trashcans all over the place. Ok, I'm done ranting.
Angelina XD
Angelina XD
Thursday, February 6, 2014
Look what I found! A Spider!! A cool looking spider! A scary/dangerous, cool looking spider! BUT, as dangerous as it looks its not bad! The Argiope aurantia (which makes no sense, unless you understand words that make no sense) or the Black and Yellow Garden Spider (which makes perfect sense) won't kill you! Isn't that great! Well.....they only(usually)bite if you try to crush it against your skin. Now you are probably thinking, "Why would you crush a spider against your skin?" But, no I mean like if it's crawling on you and you try to smack it or something. And even then, the venom will only cause swelling and mild discomfort. No dying. So anyway, here is a cool picture of a cool, and not dreadfully-terrible spider!
Moral of blog post? Do not crush spiders against your skin.
Angelina XD
Moral of blog post? Do not crush spiders against your skin.
Angelina XD
As long as I live
I will praise the Lord as long as I live;
I will sing praises to my God while I have my being.
Pslam 146:2
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Google Autofill + Commentary
Hey everyone, here is another Google Autofill post, with commentary by yours truly!
Here is the what I googled, Google is...
And here are some of the things google suggested for me...
1. Google is evil. Umm ok.
2. Google is God. Actually its not...besides, God is WAY smarter than Google could ever be!
3. Google is worth how much? I'll just say lots, of money that is. I could give you the actual price, but I'd have to google it to find out, and I'm really not all that interested.
4. Google is better than Bing. Well, I do prefer Google over Bing, but I can't say Google is better just because I prefer it. But maybe I should do a Bing autofill.....hmmmm.
Angelina XD
Here is the what I googled, Google is...
And here are some of the things google suggested for me...
1. Google is evil. Umm ok.
2. Google is God. Actually its not...besides, God is WAY smarter than Google could ever be!
3. Google is worth how much? I'll just say lots, of money that is. I could give you the actual price, but I'd have to google it to find out, and I'm really not all that interested.
4. Google is better than Bing. Well, I do prefer Google over Bing, but I can't say Google is better just because I prefer it. But maybe I should do a Bing autofill.....hmmmm.
Angelina XD
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
List of 10 random words.
Here is a list of 10 random words and their meanings.
1. Candied - encrusted or coated with sugar.
2. Splash - a sound made by something striking or falling into liquid.
3. Riddle - a question or statement so framed as to exercise one's ingenuity in answering it or discovering its meaning.
4. Nautical - of or pertaining to sailors, ships, or navigation.
5. Stricken - a past participle of strike.
6. Noodles - a narrow strip of unleavened egg dough that has been rolled thin and dried, boiled, and served alone or in soups, casseroles, etc.
7. Satchel - a small bag, sometimes with a shoulder strap.
8. Explosion - a violent and destructive shattering or blowing apart of something.
9. Image - a representation of the external form of a person or thing in art.
10. Pointless - having little or no sense, use, or purpose, e.g. this blog post.
Angelina XD
1. Candied - encrusted or coated with sugar.
2. Splash - a sound made by something striking or falling into liquid.
3. Riddle - a question or statement so framed as to exercise one's ingenuity in answering it or discovering its meaning.
4. Nautical - of or pertaining to sailors, ships, or navigation.
5. Stricken - a past participle of strike.
6. Noodles - a narrow strip of unleavened egg dough that has been rolled thin and dried, boiled, and served alone or in soups, casseroles, etc.
7. Satchel - a small bag, sometimes with a shoulder strap.
8. Explosion - a violent and destructive shattering or blowing apart of something.
9. Image - a representation of the external form of a person or thing in art.
10. Pointless - having little or no sense, use, or purpose, e.g. this blog post.
Angelina XD
Saturday, January 11, 2014
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
I don't really have anything to say so, why I'm making this blog post...I'm not really sure. Maybe I'll think of something in a minute. Thinking. Thinking. *imaginary lightbulb blinks on over head* Ohhh! I can tell you about my problem. This problem arises at the beginning of every year for me. Every year! And I can't escape it. Last year it wasn't a huge problem, but this year it is! It causes be great distress. My problem is...........accidentally writing the previous year's date instead of the current date!!! Like writing 2013 rather than 2014. What if I used a pen and can't erase? What if I can't start over on a different paper? What is the date section isn't big enough to scratch out 2013 and put 2014 next to the scribbled little blotch that used to say 2013!?!? Last year I could just do this:
But how can you fix a 3 into a 4 for this year???
Angelina XD
But how can you fix a 3 into a 4 for this year???
Angelina XD
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
I haven't posted since last year!!!
I've waited all year to say that...anyways, Happy 2014! So, this year I decided that I would start off 2014 doing something that I loved to do. Forcing myself to stay awake when I'm tired is not something I love to do, sleeping on the other hand is. So that is what I was doing at 12:00AM, 1/1/14.
Here goes another trip around the sun!
Angelina XD
Here goes another trip around the sun!
Angelina XD
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