Wednesday, November 27, 2013

A list of 10 rules for Thanksgiving Day.

1. Be thankful.
2. When you enter someones house, don't throw your jacket on the nearest chair. If you are the host, take your guests jackets and put them on the bed in the back room.
3. Don't whisper around any comments about how someones food looks like it just came out of a package.
4. If you are going to watch football while you eat, don't cheer with your mouth full.
5. Don't watch football while you eat.
6. Make sure at least two people at the table know how to perform the Heimlich maneuver. Just in case anyone/everyone accidentally swallows and laughs at the same time.
7. Use a napkin, not your shirt, not the table cloth, not your tongue.
8. Do save room for pie.
9. Don't not save room for pie. (repeated for emphasis)
10. And whatever you do, DON'T burp at the table.

Angelina XD

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