Google autofill.
Ok today I'm going to do something different. I'm going to do a Google autofill post, an idea I got from Richie at All-Purpose Flour). So basically I type something in the Google search box and take a screen shot of the suggestions that it gives me. Then I will say what I thought when I read each suggestion/question.
I typed "Water is not..." and this is what came up...
1. Water is not hot.
Yes, unless it is. Which in that case, don't stick your finger in it.
2. Water is not getting hot.
Because you forgot to turn the stove on.
3. Water is not blue.
That is why we have food coloring.
4. Water is not hot enough.
Because you just turned the stove on. Be patient.
5. Water is not enough.
Angelina XD
Haha, I'm glad I inspired you! Good job!