Look for the 2013 Perseid meteor shower to be at its prolific best from
late August 11 until dawn August 12! Great times to watch:
after midnight and before dawn on August 11, 12 or 13. We give the nod to Monday, August 12 – in the hours
between midnight and dawn. But any of these mornings should be fine for watching this year’s Perseid shower.
At dusk and early evening on August 11, the waxing crescent moon shines
between the planet Venus and the star Spica. The planet Saturn is found
above Spica. |
The Perseids are a summertime classic. They’re a favorite for Northern
Hemisphere viewers, though this shower can also be watched from tropical
and subtropical latitudes in the Southern Hemisphere as well. Plus the
moon is setting at mid-evening, to provide a dark sky for this year’s
Perseid meteors. What more can you ask? Find a dark, open sky far away
from the harsh glare of city lights, lie down comfortably on a
reclining lawn chair and enjoy the show. You don’t need to know the
constellations. You don’t need special equipment. Simply look up to
watch Perseid meteors streaking the nighttime sky. As seen from around
the world, the most meteors usually fall in the dark hours before dawn.
Angelina XD
Source: http://earthsky.org/tonight
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