Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Something my mom taught me.

Anger and happiness.
Something my mom has taught me that I'll never forget about is anger and happiness. You shouldn't get angry at all, but it happens nevertheless. She taught me learning to control yourself will help fight the angriness. Then and only then, can you substitute happiness.
Here are the main things about anger and happiness my mom has taught me, summed up in my own words and numbered (because she also taught me to express myself, but in an orderly manner).
1. Being angry all the time can turn you into a ridiculous person. Into a person who wastes all their time being angry and forgets how to be happy. And maybe doesn't even want to be happy anymore.
2. Being angry is time consuming. Life consuming in fact, so being angry all the time will, you know, consume your life! And that's obviously not a good thing.
3. Being angry takes a lot of effort. It's actually not that easy. First you have to get angry, then you have to make yourself stay angry, then you have you have to constantly remind yourself why you are angry in the first place! Being angry all the live long day can be tiring. And after all that effort you get nothing. Very illogical.
4. Dragging something out solely for the sake of wanting the right to be angry about it is just sad. Bury the chestnut for once and all.
5. Anger is limited. It can only go so far before it must ask you wether or not it can go any further.
6. You are the one who decides to give anger the key to your heart. No one else can. So don't blame other people for making you angry.
7. Don't forget to be happy. Forgetting to be happy is worse than being angry. Maybe you can float around between the two all of your life, but then what will you have lived for?
8. Learn to be happy. As hard as it is to be angry, being happy is even harder. But every time you pass a lesson in happiness it gets easier. So stay in happy school.
9. You can't be happy by yourself. You need to associate with people who are also in happy school.
10. Don't do anything that will make you angry in the end. Like being negative, engaging in an argument, instigating. Stop causing problems for yourself.
11. You can't have real happiness without Jesus. Not even a bit. He is the teacher in the school of happiness.

And that's what I've learned from my mom so far about anger and happiness. Some of these things I remember her telling me, but others I don't remember. I wonder if she was trying to teach me those on purpose or I just learned them from watching her. Either way they are in my head forever. And I'm grateful for that. Thanks mom!

PS. this is another reason I am glad to be homeschooled by my mom. I might've not learned all that if she were at work and I were at school all day.


Saturday, June 14, 2014

Food Art!

I can't take it....I just....can't. You have to see for yourself. Just click the link, you must. I'm urging you to click. Click it, click it, click it!


Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Prompt post: What do people think you are, compared to who you know you are.

So a friend of mine, Katie, did a post using a writing prompt from a book she owns. You can check out her post by clicking HERE.
 So, I decided to do my own post using the same prompt. Let's see if I can stay on topic.  Here it is: 

What do people think you are, compared to who you know you are.

I'm actually not completely sure who people think I am...though I doubt they have the right idea. I show only about half of who I am to other people. Unless they are people I am comfortable with. So anything most people think of me is only the tip of the iceberg. I've been told by some people that I'm always quiet. Which is true and not true, because sometimes I am very quiet and other times I talk so much that I get on people's nerves. But one thing about me is that I think waaay more than I speak. I don't always think before I speak(which is bad, I know), but usually a lot more thinking goes on in my head than talking. So of I'm quiet it means I'm thinking, quietly observing.
I think people think I'm a very happy person, and I am, just not 100% of the time. I can get upset over small things and depressed over the littlest issues. I'm actually very emotional, I just don't wear my heart on my sleeve. At all. Not in the least bit. I haven't decided if that's a good thing or not. If/when I do show emotion it's usually because I'm consciously doing so.
Also I'm almost absolutely sure that every person who knows me has thought me weird at one time or another. And  I am perfectly okay with that, in fact I encourage it. I am weird. I don't ever want to seem normal. Decent and respectable, yes of course. But normal? You mean like everyone else? Whaaattt?!?!? Nope. That's too much to ask for, sorry. And above all else, I hope people think of me as a Godly person.

PS. prompts are kinda fun......maaaybe I'll do more prompt posts....hmmm.
