Friday, February 21, 2014

Go Outside

The best remedy for those who are afraid, lonely or unhappy is to go outside, somewhere where they can be quiet, alone with the heavens, nature and God. Because only then does one feel that all is as it should be and that God wishes to see people happy, amidst the simple beauty of nature. Anne Frank

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Rant #1 - Trashcans are everywhere.

So I was out walking a while ago down these little country back roads. They are the best walking roads ever! I rarely encounter cars going by. On the road I live on, 3 cars in a row is traffic, 5 cars is outrageous, and 10 cars within the same hour? Unheard of! (I'm not exaggerating) So it was a very peaceful walk, even with my dog having to stop and sniff things every 5 seconds. Eventually I just unhooked the leash and let her smell away and catch up later. There, of course, was no danger of any cars hitting her, and she doesn't run away. So anyway, my peace was also disturbed by.......the litter. *sigh* Must you people throw your trash out the window?? Haven't you ever heard the saying, or seen the bumper sticker, Don't Mess With Texas? It means, don't litter. But I'm not just talking to Texans...I'm talking to everyone. I'm an environmentalist in my own mind, and I'm constantly pointing environment problems to my friends and family, and reminding them of their impact on the environment(and probably getting on their nerves). So please people, put your trash in a trashcan. They aren't hard to find, there are trashcans all over the place. Ok, I'm done ranting.

Angelina XD

Thursday, February 6, 2014


Look what I found! A Spider!! A cool looking spider! A scary/dangerous, cool looking spider! BUT, as dangerous as it looks its not bad! The Argiope aurantia (which makes no sense, unless you understand words that make no sense) or the Black and Yellow Garden Spider (which makes perfect sense) won't kill you! Isn't that great! Well.....they only(usually)bite if you try to crush it against your skin. Now you are probably thinking, "Why would you crush a spider against your skin?" But, no I mean like if it's crawling on you and you try to smack it or something. And even then, the venom will only cause swelling and mild discomfort. No dying. So anyway, here is a cool picture of a cool, and not dreadfully-terrible spider!

Moral of blog post? Do not crush spiders against your skin.

Angelina XD

As long as I live

I will praise the Lord as long as I live;
    I will sing praises to my God while I have my being.
Pslam 146:2